Maddison is an English Cream Golden Retriever and Maverick is a Standard Poodle.
Maddison is 49 lbs. and born on 11/17/21. Maverick is 55 lbs. birthday 4/16/22.
These are extraordinary parents. Maddison has the largest of black pools for eyes I have ever seen in a dog and Maverick gets compliments from absolutely everyone around when out. They are exceptionally beautiful dogs where Maddison’s large almond shaped eyes stand out and Maverick’s coat and smile, worthy of posing as models with many picture sessions on outings in the galleries. Please view the galleries by clicking on the above menu for further pictures where double clicking allows opening up larger.
Maddison has a special talent for playing ball and drops it at your feet every time for more throws without being taught. She will double drop the ball to move it closer as it rolls on her own. Forming a special relationship with the ball she totes around, she adopted a frequent game of balancing the ball between her paws and nosing it to see how far it can go slowly. Like a bowling ball down the rack, she patiently watches and noses the tennis ball farther without it rolling off the deck where she is perched. She also enjoys water fetch and races other larger dogs, never a sore loser or tiring. In contrast to other English Cream Retriever’s, she has a lot of energy. She and Maverick enjoy playing tag racing in the large backyard every day which is fun to watch. Maverick is a quick learner and picks up tricks the fastest. He is the sweetest of dogs who loves car rides the most. But they are overall two laidback dogs and a good pair. Videos of Maddison exhibiting all of her many special talents that make her unique will be posted.
The advantage of an English Cream Golden Retriever may be its blockier face to result in a more rounded puppy and less narrow face as desired.
Maddox was the first born on 7-11-23 at 12:05am, an English Cream Goldendoodle estimated to be 53 lbs. I have never personally experienced a puppy this precocious and sociable before. He is much like his mother, he loves the water and people both. He dives right into the water starting at 6 weeks and he races to meet and greet everyone around, following behind them or between their feet. He is alert, attentive, and exceptionally intelligent who potty trained himself at 6 weeks. Maddox has been on many outings and is well-socialized with pictures on a new external hard drive shown. From the first encounter with other people, he loved them instantly as his primary attribute. He loves kids and tags along with them, kissing the faces of young people only he recently meets whom he picks, such as at the beach. He will race to meet new people from 300 feet away starting at six weeks because he loves to greet them and socialize foremost. Maddox is the kept child.
There are many pictures of Maddox that will be posted on the site, which has run into an impediment with external hard drive broken where the pictures were stored. It is currently in the shop in Detroit to be sent to the lab which will take 2 months to repair. The pictures cover scenes from birth to week 5 with a photo prop.
Next litter in California.
The website is new and is currently under construction to finish by the start of the new year. External hard drives currently in repair.